Reboot Society: Help us, Obi Ron Kenobi, You’re our only hope!

December 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Like the great Obi-wan “Ben” Kenobi once said, “You can’t win Darth, Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Well, Watch this video. If you have seen the hackjob CNN, Fox, and NBC did in turning this into a 15 second sorry attempt to make the good doctor look evil, you will know what I mean. This video shows the rest of the story.

Now that I mention it, Ron does sort of remind me of old Ben… Remember when Uncle Owen called him a hermit or a kook or something like that? Well, it  turned out he was a crucial element in bringing down the Galactic Empire. Is it Kooky to follow great, inspired ideas like the Jedi Code or the Constitution of the United States of America? Only to the evil who is scrambling to discredit them before the light is brought upon their schemes.

If we are ever going to thwart the growing empire clothed in the vestiges of our great Republic, the time is now! Whether Ron takes the Presidency or not, He has already won. His messages have reached millions of people. Sooner or later, they will realize that he has been giving us good information all this time and join the rebellion. The true principles of liberty he has brought to the attention of our unconsious masses will, in the end, be our proton torpedos aimed squarely at the vulnerable exaust port of the empire’s death star. Let us pray that it’s enough, so we do not we have to experience ALL our prosperity crumbling around us.

Reboot Society: Is your ‘eyePhone’ watching you?

April 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Yes. Your sparkling new Iphone is keeping a comprehensive log of your locations, movement patterns. Not only that but it has the capability to become a hidden microphone and camera during your most private moments, as well as potentially recording your online activity and telephone conversations. It gets worse. Any of this info can be retrieved by Apple at the government’s request, without warrant, since by using the phone and/or applications you have signed away any right to privacy, even when the phone is ‘off’.

This may not be an issue for many people, who are believing Apple’s lame excuse of quality improvement, or even those who believe it will be useful for catching ‘criminals’ and/or ‘terrorists’. The “but I dont have anything to hide” crowd would be well advised to listen to Ben Franklin,  who replied to this kind of statement with his famous quip, “Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.” Strong words, but they ring with a resounding truth.

How long until these devices are abused, rather than being used for protection from crime be used to record minor offenses, and turned into revenue collecting devices? How about using the phone to record any time the phone is moving over seventy five miles per hour, and sends an alert to highway patrol including GPS coordinates, and direction of travel? Or maybe just email you a ticket? It would be easily doable with existing technology. How about sending an alert if your phone sits at a local bar for a couple hours and then starts driving again? Maybe they will make the excuse of child protection, If you child starts screaming or crying, and automated alert goes to CPS? Government applications that report anything suspicious, providing a quick notification if you see anybody doing anything against the “law” which is instituted to replace morality and institute fines for any benign offense? Agency and morality would go out the door, antiquated concepts not required in this Orwellian “New world order.” It seems like a long stretch, but it could easily happen. You have to protect your rights BEFORE they are being abused!

Droid users? We have the same problem. Only difference is that we can remove our batteries when we don’t want to be under surveillance!

Link to news article: 

Edit: Well, looks like another source. Cops Already Using Iphone Location Data

Mother engaged by SWAT for refusing to medicate Daughter.

April 17, 2011 1 comment

A mother in Detroit, Maryanne Godboldo is a 56 year old African American who decided to home school her disabled daughter Ariana, who was born with a rare foot disease resulting in amputation. Upon turning 13, she came to the conclusion that she would enjoy more social exposure and Maryanne set out to enroll her in a public school. The schools in Michigan have policies, like many other states, that require all students to receive vaccinations. They do not openly advertise that there are waivers and that vaccines are, in fact not required by any law. Maryanne went ahead and got her daughter’s shots updated and took the certificate to the school.

The girl started acting strangely, according to her aunt Penny Godboldo. “She began acting out of character, getting irritated, and having vacial grimaces that have been associated with immunizations,” she told the local newspaper. The Michigan Citizen quotes penny saying “There were absolutely no mental issues untill she had the immunizations and even more with the Risperidal. Its been hell ever since.”

Maryanne, beside herself at her daughter’s new behaviors, sought help. The help she recieved was prescription medication, namely Risperdal, a powerful drug prescribed to pediatrics for schizophrenia, autistic disorder irritability or Bipolar disorder.

Wanting to do what was best for her child, Maryanne started administering the pills. Later on, She reported to family members that all of the symptoms got worse, including the behavioral issues. The girl’s father, Mubarak Hakim said that she was doing much better as she was weaned off of the medicines.

This is very easy to believe, just look at a list of a few side effects of the Risperdal:

Serious Reactions

  • hypotension, severe
  • syncope
  • extrapyramidal symptoms, severe
  • tardive dyskinesia
  • neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  • hyperglycemia, severe
  • diabetes mellitus
  • seizures
  • priapism
  • stroke
  • TIA
  • QT prolongation
  • hypersensitivity rxn
  • anaphylactic rxns
  • angioedema
  • erythema multiforme
  • leukopenia
  • neutropenia
  • agranulocytosis
  • suicidality
  • hypothermia
  • hyperthermia
  • neonatal extrapyramidal sx (3rd trimester)
  • neonatal withdrawal (3rd trimester)

Common Reactions

  • somnolence
  • appetite incr.
  • fatigue
  • rhinitis
  • URI
  • nausea/vomiting
  • cough
  • urinary incontinence
  • salivation
  • constipation
  • fever
  • extrapyramidal effects
  • dystonia
  • abdominal pain
  • anxiety
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • tremor
  • rash
  • akathisia
  • dyspepsia
  • tachycardia
  • weight gain
  • visual disturbances
  • hyperprolactinemia
  • confusion
  • gynecomastia
  • photosensitivity

Very serious and risky drug there. I would not want anybody I knew taking that stuff! Look at the link for interactions/contraindications as well as many other facts about Risperdal.

Because she was weaning her daughter off of this dangerous psychiatric medication, and CPS arrived to remove the child from her care under the guise of “failure to medicate”. Obviously, Maryanne refused to hand her child over, and retreated into her house, barring the door. CPS called local police, Who attempted to kidnap the child from the care of her mother. (“Kidnap” because as Godboldo’s attourney pointed out, It appears that the police had no warrant or court orders to remove the child, Just a request from Child Protective Services, who’s documentation appears to be incomplete, and never approved  by a court.)

Upon opening the door to the residence, Police report being fired upon as they attempted to enter. They retreated and called a SWAT team. One cannot really blame her if, in fact she did fire upon the would be kidnappers breaking through her door to steal her daughter. However, whether she did or did not shoot a weapon is being debated throughout different media sources.

During the 10 hour showdown, Child protective services and Law enforcement made many false promises to con Maryanne into surrender. Neighbors, friends and family talked to her, trying to reach an agreement. Finally, upon the condition that the daughter be released to a relative, Maryanne gave up. The little girl was wisked away to Hawthorn Juvenile Center without any relatives and Maryanne arrested and charged with several felony crimes.

Here we are about a month later, Ariana is still in the custody of the Child Protective Services, despite many of her family being willing and able to take custody of her. Further, There are reports in local papers about abuse being inflicted upon her. The Godboldo family has filed legislation to get her back in their custody. Everything is moving in the right direction as I read it now.

The Government, CPS, Police or anybody besides parents has NO say in what you give your child when it comes to medication. We cannot allow ourselves to be goaded into poisoning our youth. Already are already lost by abortion, drugs and social pressures. Raising strong and moral children is one sure way to preserve our liberties and maintain a free society. Public school systems are not much better than political brainwashing. Keep an eye on what your kids are learning about and supplement it as well as you can if you cannot home school. Your children do NOT belong to the government and we have to get that through their heads. Don’t submit to Vaccines, Medications. Don’t tolerate your rights as parents to be second to the demands of the communist state. Do what YOU believe is best for your children, and don’t sell them short because of how convenient it is to pawn them off on the public schools.

I’d better relax. Little bit of ranting here! Thanks!

I referenced a few articles here are links to sites with more information.

Survival Tip: Pack it up!

April 12, 2011 Leave a comment

You never know what’s looming on the horizon, It is a very good idea to have a few contingency plans ready for various scenarios.

 One very easy, relatively inexpensive precaution you can take is to prepare a bug-out bag for everyone in your family and throw it in a closet, under a bed, anywhere you can grab it quickly, but is out of the way. Natural disaster, emergency evacuations, civil unrest, even loss of employment or power outage. There are lots of reasons to get some plans together, and no reasons not to!

This bug-out bag should contain basics for survival:

– At least 72 hours of food and water, One gallon per day is ideal, but not really realistic. Make sure to include iodine tablets, filters or other means of purifying water you find along the way.

– Clothing sutable for adverse conditions, Plan for it to be colder than you normal conditions Long sleeved, lightweight shirts protect from sunburn.

– Reduntant fire starting gear. Lighters, matches, flint, candles, etc.. Dont forget tinder.

– Wool and reflective emergency blankets

– Communications, handheld radio, signal mirror, old cell phones will still dial 911 without service…

– A good sized utility/hunting knife and folding blade pocket knife or multitool.

– Identification and important documents,

– Notebook and writing utensils,

– Medicines and prescriptions for at least three days.

– Flashlight and batteries, LED’s are nice because of their extended battery and bulb life.

– Toilet paper, also makes a decent kindling. roll it up tight and put it in a ziploc bag!

– Items you are comfortable with for self defense (Handgun, Pepper spray, collapsable baton)

 See, it’s Easy and usually doable with what you already have around the house! When you get the basics together, see what room you have left and add other items as you see a need. Best of luck my friends. Feel free to post any comments or questions!

Available at your local grocery store! Water with an added Brain Inhibitor

April 12, 2011 Leave a comment


Eliminate your child’s conformity problems down the road. Use this product in you’ll be guaranteed a docile, controllable child who will submit to the propaganda in school without expensive prescription drugs. This is a great product for those trapped on well water, those unfortunate enough to live in small towns with no treated city water system. For the low price of $1.28 per gallon, your child will remain dumb enough to thrive in public school systems nationwide. They will readily believe anything on the news, and best of all they will never question “authority”. Your child will never be burdened with things like common sense or critical thinking! For best results combine with television programs designed for infants and the recommended vaccines. It’s great! You won’t even have to raise your own children! Don’t waste money on expensive psychotropic drugs, fluoridated water will solve all those problems before they ever arise.

If you think this article sounds good, you probably already drank too much fluoridated water.

Please research the consequences of sodium fluoride. And definitely do not give it to your kids!

>Gates: Gadhafi placing bodies at sites of coalition bombings!

March 27, 2011 Leave a comment

> George Orwell couldn’t have come up with this. Our missiles only kill bad guys!? Does anybody actually believe this? Oh, I get the logic… they want our population behind them, so trying to convince them that ALL casualties, from both sides, are Qaddafi’s fault. Our missiles and bombs are, in fact killing people Mr. Gates. That is what they are for.

I would guess were pretty even with Qaddafi as far as death toll goes. And under such blatant violations of our Constitution.

>Homeless and drunk; starving but high: My real life encounter with a real life zombie!

March 27, 2011 1 comment

>    Yesterday I was in a Panda Express, enjoying some shrimp and rice. A disheveled looking man, maybe 50 something years old came stumbling through the door. I noticed he wasn’t quite right, but  there are strange sorts of people. He walked around, casually eyeballing the customers, most of whom didn’t pay him much mind, absorbed in their own lives. After a lap or two, he started asking if we could give him money. Now, he was very difficult to understand, and obviously under the influence, barely able to stand. I thought about buying him a meal until he started yelling obscenities at a short Asian man who appeared to be the manager of the establishment for not giving him free food. He was getting a little over aggressive and demanded to use the manager’s phone. He said it was against policy and walked away, I presumed he was going to call the sheriff’s office.
    Our unfortunate friend began incoherently mumbling and shouting intermittently at patrons, saying nobody cared if he was hungry. Well, after the display he was putting on, I sure didn’t. Luckily, he never tried to take anybody’s food, like the elderly couple who looked extremely nervous. I pondered, why would anybody make such a fool of themselves? What could possibly be the benefit of this display? Obviously he wasn’t going to get anywhere with the management except kicked out, and we, the patrons were not going to help him out now. One of the customers began talking to him in a stern voice, telling him to leave. I thought for sure this was going to provoke further aggression, but he appeared to become skittish and nervous. Pointing at the door, the man reiterated his order, and our friend began stumbling about trying to exit via the glass panel right next to the door. Finally, he figured out which one the door was and turned back with a look of despair, mumbling about how it wasn’t fair.

    Not fair, he said. Well, that guy somehow got booze, meth or crack cocaine. Something tells me the drug dealers aren’t giving that stuff out for free. Looks like this dude had some priorities, and eating wasn’t it. He could have got a 20 pound bag of rice and a beef bullion cube at Walmart for 11 dollars (probably about as much or less than he blew on booze/drugs) that very day, made a campfire with a borrowed match and sagebrush, and boiled rice in a hubcap! Instead he decided to feel like we were picking on him because we didn’t reward his poor behavior. Hope he found some sucker nicer than me to give him a meal.

>Fukushima meltdown getting exponentially more hazardous to life.

March 26, 2011 Leave a comment

>Radiation levels are steadily increasing and building up in the land, water, and air surrounding the Fukushima meltdown. Fallout is being detected around the world. Why risk it? Take Potassium Iodide! Unless you are like Ann Coulter, who thinks that toxic radioactive fallout is the best thing since sliced bread. Not surprisingly, she has not taken up radio talk show host Alex Jones’ offer to fly her to Fukushima…

>And It hits. The first of the FALLOUT from the meltdown

March 17, 2011 Leave a comment

>Radiation is bad for you, even in low concentrations. The Media is downplaying the severity of this crisis. Keep your eyes and ears open and don’t take the government at their word. This is only the beginning. If it rains in the next couple of months, do not go outside in it!

(Reuters) – Low concentrations of radioactive particles from Japan‘s disaster-hit nuclear power plant have been heading eastwards and are expected to reach North America in days, a Swedish official said on Thursday.

Categories: Uncategorized

>US Government blocking sales of KI?

March 16, 2011 Leave a comment

>Why are people being prevented from taking precautions to block their thyroid from RADIOACTIVE iodine? Why are people laughed at for buying food or KI? Fox news is saying KI is dangerous and not to take it… its a heck of a lot safer than rotting out your thyroid… if you can, Get KI03 and take it!